Anjana Sukhani Wallpapers

What Girls Want in a Guy

Every guy should know that girls are very hard to understand. One minute they will be happy and the next minute they will be sad. One minute you may think she likes you, and the next you feel like she is steering you away. If you are looking for the right girl, you first need to look inside yourself first.

Every girl is different and each one has their own personality. Just like guys, they make decisions based on emotions and feelings. In order to get a girl, you must show those same feelings and emotions to her. You must be willing to share with her your thoughts, even if they are bad.
Before you start asking yourself what a girl wants, you should look inside yourself to decide what type of girl you like. You may want a girl that likes to go out, or you might want a girl that just hangs low, watches movies, and just relaxes. Ask yourself what type of girl you want, and you will understand more of what they want in you.

Most girls like to have similarities between you and her. If you like to play sports and she does too, mostly likely she will be attracted to you more. If she is a girl that likes horror movies, and you do to, than she will be more attracted to you.

As you can see, there is no definite answer in what girls like in guys. Every guy and girl is different, and it is up to you to decide what you want before you start asking what girl want. Take the time to write down what you like, what your interests are, and you will soon find a girl that matches your personality.