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Attracting Women - Understanding the Basic Principles and How To Apply Them

Attracting women: Basic principles
One of the major question I'm being asked recently is "what do I have to do in order to attract more women". Well, the first thing to realize is that attracting women can't be summarized into a single article and will definitely require much practice on your behalf. I want you to understand all of this because having understood that, by working hard, practicing and committing to success, attracting women can become one of the best activities in your life! In this article I will describe the most important principles for attracting women, however, bear in mind, that understanding these principles and applying them are two very different things!

Attracting women: Be confident
Most women, whether they know it or not, are looking for the alpha male. This "alpha" mail is not necessary the most attractive male around, it is however the most dominant male around. You might not see the difference at the moment but it crucial that you'll understand that being the dominant male does not require you to be the most pretty, smart, talented or gifted male around! Attracting women does require you to understand that no matter how you look compared to other men, compared to yourself, you have a lot to offer to women who wish to spend time with you. By building your self confidence you actually announce to the world "I worth something!" Being able to convert this "worth" feeling into women in a way that tells them you are worth something to them will make you very attractive.

Attracting women: connect to your feelings
Women, unlike man, are strongly connected to their feelings. By being able to connect to your feelings, you will encourage women to expose their feelings. A girl sharing her feelings with you will feel closer to you, as though you understand her better them other men. This close feeling will trigger attraction. It also encourage her to feel more vulnerable near you, which means getting her naked will be easier;) The easiest way to get a girl uncovering her feelings is share an emotional story of yours.