Ashton Kutcher's 'Two And A Half Men' Salary Way Less Than Charlie The former "shows that 70"and has "Punk'd" star decided to "Two and a Half Men" to join as a substitute Charlie Sheen, Hollywood Reporter relay. He put the finishing touches on the contract, that "big payday », says THR.
Casting rumors around Kvchr during the first days Thurs series has recently starred in the romantic comedy "no strings attached. "
Alternative Kvchr Sheen, who helped the show was the number one comedy on television for a long series of rants against the creator of the series "Chuck Lorrefired. then climbed the mountain in a very public life with his girlfriend, porn star , to railagainst CBS Lorre and "Torpedo violent incident" shows the way at one point, he said. "He wanted to replace the old friend of Rob Lowe.