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Top T-shirt design Tips - 5 secrets of perfect t-shirt

If your funny t-shirts are running funny looking, the problem of your text. No matter how much peace T-shirt design, if you think you like your text is poorly designed, your shirt will always look professional. But do not worry! With these five tricks of professional designers, you can quickly switch amateur t-shirt and perfectly polished art t-shirts.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 1: Choosing the right font
When writing text for your t-shirt selection, you choose one that supports your message. For example, if you have funny t-shirt design, choose a font that has a nice atmosphere. If you design a sexy shirt, choose a font that has a sexy feel. And if your design on a shirt for serious, professional law firm, you probably do not want to use this font with the letters in the form of kittens.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 2: tracking and kerning
Most of the time when the text was written characters in a computer program, the space between letters and words are a bit uneven, and often a little too broad. This extra space and uneven not only makes your text look a bit awkward and unprofessional, but also makes it more difficult to read because the words are not visually stand together as a unit. Even if the viewer does not see his eyes and brain to get a little harder and a little extra effort to make the viewer subconscious sense of unease work.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 3: Word Spacing
If the letters on the shirt, the slogan is well maintained and kerned, another important step for setting the spacing between words. Adjust the spacing between words is very similar to the tracking and kerning - in fact, did exactly the same way as the gaps and really only measures the gap between words instead of letters - but the rule about the distance between words is a bit different, so the word spacing is a big step in itself itself.

Generally, the best practice, where the distance between the words width of the lowercase "L" for rendering the font, then the space between each word wide. This means that the width of gaps between words will vary from font to font (because the size of a small "L" is different from type fonts), but it also means that the distance is specially designed for the font in question. Creating the right amount of space between words, the effect of its tracking and kerning, so that your words hold together better as a separate unit and to improve the visual readability.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 4: Main, aka "gaps"
Elsewhere, new t-shirt designers often go wrong is the leading, or spacing between lines of text. "Head - which is pronounced like the metal" lead "rather than" leader "makes people somewhere - back to the days of printing, when the person will actually use small, thin pieces of lead on the vertical spacing between lines of type it. These days, of course, manage computers, which leads to us. Unfortunately, when it comes to t-shirt text that treats them poorly.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 5: phrasing, aka "Breaking the Line"
The wording has to do with the way his shirt designer decides to break lines of text, and is another aspect of good t-shirt designs that are often overlooked. Many new designers will just write your text to the size they want and pay no attention to what the word lines and how lines affect the t-shirt with the text at the end. More often than not, lead to a shirt that reads and feels terribly amateurish.

T-Shirt Design Secret # 6: Bonus tip (because I love you)
When you use these 5 secrets t-shirt design professionals, you will notice that your t-shirt text looks much better and more professional than it did when you started. Unfortunately, you may find that you're staring at my writing, so long as it's hard to really assess their improvement. Such is life on a t-shirt artist! But do not panic! Professional graphic designers have a few tricks up his sleeve that will help solve this professional hazard.