Links 7/31/11 « capitalism
Links 7/31/11. Dear readers, I am glad to see that many of you are happy with the cross posts of the last few days. The high proportion of them is due to a confluence of good material and a lot of non-blog demands. ...

Gillmor Gang 7.30.11 (TCTV) | TechCrunch
Gillmor Gang 7.30.11 (TCTV). Steve Gillmor. posted 15 hours ago. Comments. View Author Page I'm on Twitter. Steve Gillmor is a technology commentator, editor, and producer in the enterprise technology space. ...

Debt Ceiling Debate: 11 Ways To Explain The Stakes
With the reported deadline to raise the debt ceiling drawing ever closer, Washington has yet to come to terms on a deal to do so -- this despite months of warnings from prominent politicians and businessmen alike, ...

iTunes 11 to feature new UI and iCloud integration? | Ubergizmo
Sick and tired of looking at the same old interface every time you load up iTunes? If rumors turn out [...]

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